Material developments, preservatives, sustainability, market data, international tariffs, and plastics in the environment are among the topics to be presented to wipes brand owners, converters, and their entire professional wipes supply chain at INDA’s 13th edition of the World of Wipes (WOW) International Conference, June 24-27 in Atlanta, GA.
Details of the program for the WOW 2019 conference are now available and registration is open at https://www.worldofwipes.org/.
Registration is expected to surpass last year’s participation that connected 470 senior wipes professionals from 22 countries. The 13th edition of WOW offers four value-packed days combining relevant technical and educational content with business engagement opportunities.
Among the highlights of WOW 2019 is the prestigious World of Wipes Innovation Award. The award recognizes a product or technology innovation within the entire wipes value chain that expands the use of nonwoven fabrics and demonstrates advancements in creativity, novelty of approach, uniqueness, and technical sophistication.
Nominees are selected from a broad range of industry categories including raw materials, roll goods, machinery, converting, packaging, lotions, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end products. Three finalists will be chosen to present their innovation at WOW 2019 with the winner announced Thurs., June 27.
INDA is currently accepting nominations through March 8 for the World of Wipes Innovation Award. Online nominations may be submitted via https://www.worldofwipes.org/award.html.
For additional information, to register, or reserve a tabletop display visit https://www.worldofwipes.org/ email tleatham@inda.org, or call +1 919 459 3726.
Details of the program for the WOW 2019 conference are now available and registration is open at https://www.worldofwipes.org/.
Registration is expected to surpass last year’s participation that connected 470 senior wipes professionals from 22 countries. The 13th edition of WOW offers four value-packed days combining relevant technical and educational content with business engagement opportunities.
Among the highlights of WOW 2019 is the prestigious World of Wipes Innovation Award. The award recognizes a product or technology innovation within the entire wipes value chain that expands the use of nonwoven fabrics and demonstrates advancements in creativity, novelty of approach, uniqueness, and technical sophistication.
Nominees are selected from a broad range of industry categories including raw materials, roll goods, machinery, converting, packaging, lotions, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end products. Three finalists will be chosen to present their innovation at WOW 2019 with the winner announced Thurs., June 27.
INDA is currently accepting nominations through March 8 for the World of Wipes Innovation Award. Online nominations may be submitted via https://www.worldofwipes.org/award.html.
For additional information, to register, or reserve a tabletop display visit https://www.worldofwipes.org/ email tleatham@inda.org, or call +1 919 459 3726.