About Us
The global nonwovens industry is expected to grow at an annual rate of 6/7% between 2019 and 2024 to reach $64.8 billion in 2024. This growth will be possible through line investments around the globe that are scheduled to come onstream in 2020- 2021. Key drivers for growth in nonwovens will be sustainability, regulatory issues, costs, user requirements and retail trends. In 2020, the focus of the industry returns to Europe in anticipation of INDEX20, the year’s largest trade show in Geneva, Switzerland. Nonwovens Industry will cover the INDEX show with printed and digital products targeted at the global engineered fabrics industry. Throughout the year, Nonwovens Industry will continue to cover the most important topics and events in in the industry though our monthly print editions, special printed supplements, through targeted electronic mailings, our website and through social media including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The Nonwovens Industry Mission— Nonwovens Industry is committed to influencing global nonwovens discourse on an ongoing basis with elite editorial content. Between the website, email and social media, more than 50,000 reader connections are made in daily, weekly and monthly formats on the basis of that content. Nonwovens Industry is therefore an essential resource for moving an advertiser’s unique selling propositions to market.