German airlaid manufacturer McAirlaids will reportedly invest $7.8 million to increase capacity at its U.S. operation in Rocky Mounty, VA. The site, which was established in 2006, currently employs more than 125 workers and is McAirlaids' only U.S. operation. It makes absorbent airlaid material for food packaging, retail, medical, personal hygiene and filtration applications. The expansion will allow the company to expand into the protein and fruit packaging markets.
As an incentive, Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Franklin County to secure the project for Virginia. Governor Ralph Northam approved a $75,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist Franklin County with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission approved a $60,000 Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund grant as well as a $60,000 loan for the project. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program. McAirlaid’s is also eligible to receive Sales and Use tax exemptions on equipment associated with the project.
The expansion will add 25 jobs to the site.