Mexican hygiene manufacturer CMPC has grouped all of its hygiene- and sanitary-related businesses under one name, Softys, in the eight countries where it maintains industrial and commercial operations. Previously, the company’s businesses operated under names such as Papelera del Plata in Argentina, Protisa in Peru, Absormex in Mexico and Melhoramentos in Brazil. CMPC will also reorganize the corporate administration of its business.
According to CMPC, the company was the first operator in Chile, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay, and the second largest player in the region.
In addition to the name change, CMPC is undertaining several efforts to improve and enlarge its business. These include the recent inauguration of a new plant in Peru, the current construction of a new line in Argentina, as well as commercial and development plans in high potential markets, such as Mexico and Brazil, according to general manager of Empresas CMPC, Francisco Ruiz-Tagle.