The fourth edition of "How to Make the Right Disposable Hygiene Products," conference will be held in New Delhi from December 6-8. Organized by Business Coordination House, the event will feature global experts on the latest innovations on produsts, processes and raw materials and machinery related to the development and manufacturing of disposable products. Speakers represent some of the most important companies in the disposable hygiene product supply chain like Fameccanica, Curt G. Joa, Optima, Bostik and Fibertex Personal Care.
The final day of the event will feature an Interactive Workdshop to Optimize Production with sessions on project planning, production optimization, logistics and marketing and troubleshooting.
More information: Business Coordination House, info@bch.in.
The final day of the event will feature an Interactive Workdshop to Optimize Production with sessions on project planning, production optimization, logistics and marketing and troubleshooting.
More information: Business Coordination House, info@bch.in.